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Dragut and Maggiocco

A fierce pirate against a young lover: the Rapallo saga with a happy ending!

It was dawn on 4 July 1549 when the Barbary pirate Dragut and his fleet attacked Rapallo in an attempt to capture as many inhabitants as possible to sell them as slaves or release them on payment of a hefty ransom. The day was one of devastation and mourning and many were taken prisoner. It celebrates the heroic feat of Bartolomeo Maggiocco, a young Rapallo man with a burning heart, who managed to snatch his beloved Giulia from the pirates at the Porta delle Saline and bring her to safety.

Curiosity: A street in town and a painting on display in the council chamber are dedicated to Maggiocco. In summer, a historical re-enactment of the assault is organised.

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